Pasarela, bikini, boudoir, profesional artistic nude, beauty, urban style, videoclip, interpretacion, modales, playboy girl, extra in the filming of the movie "the book of exodus".
I have spent 8 years dedicating myself to being a photography model, it is something that I am passionate about, when I am in front of the camera I forget everything and I just flow, I love having an attitude in my work and I always give 100%
It will be a pleasure for me to be able to work with you.
Llevo 8 años dedicándome a ser modelo de fotografía, es algo que me apasiona, cuando estoy frente a la cámara olvido todo y simplemente fluyo, me encanta tener una actitud en mi trabajo y siempre doy 100%
Será un placer para mi poder trabajar contigo.