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Jon Le Blanch

modelo profesional de Barcelona (#211)


Portadas fP

23 años · 1,82 · 99-74-90 · Barcelona · https · Admito TFCD

In 1999, at the tender age of 8, I had the rare opportunity to get an early introduction to the world of cinema by playing a role in ‘La Cuidad de Los Prodigios’ directed by Mario Camus and reinterpreted by Olivier Martínez, Emma Suárez and the singer Loquillo amongs others. The film is a take on Spanish author Eduardo Mandoza’s novel by the same name published in 1986 by Seix Barral, which takes us on a journey through Barcelona’s evolution as a city.

Even since then, whenever I was asked – What do you want to be when you grow up? Actor was the first thing that sprung to mind. Sometimes, on a whim, I’d say model, artist or singer – what was clear from the beginning was that I loved the world of art – it was my remedy, the best way I had to express myself.

I continued working in this field, with roles in commercials from 2005 to present, and various appearances on the radio and television.

As I matured, due to the situations I found myself in on a daily basis, I found the innocent features I had changing and subduing - being replaced by a hardened look, a strong jaw and my windswept hair.

From here on my life took a dramatic change, I appeared in Mister Cataluña 2008 and experienced the intensity of the fashion industry – the photo shoots and catwalk appearances, for, amongst others, Desigual, ES Collecion and numerous Arabic fashion companies. When I turned 18, I left Barcelona for Milan, and from there I went on to live in Paris and Brussels.

I have featured in articles in magazines and newspapers, and have appeared on the television for L’Oreal, Fashion TV and Dolce and Gabbana.

I have featured in art books and in fantasy based story-books for various Spanish and Italian authors, and I was a finalist in the competition ‘Beauty an Fabulous’ in Belgium.

I have been shot by more than 30 photographers, both Spanish and international, including:

R. Gracia, M. Anxo, I. Garcia, V. Helks, E Camporecci, R Soteras, F Lecce, R Rubio, A Márquez, A Bravo, C Puig, S Monopoli, G Bill Eymard, A Massala, E Dessole, J Folk, L Pajuelo, R Saray, G Croisiaux, E Libertad, Los cuales han fotografiado a celebridades cómo; Pilar Rubio, Gary Dourdan, Carmen Lomana, Chenoa, Vanesa Romero, Fernando Tejero, Rafael Amargo, Michelle Jenner o Sonia Ferrer, and some models for high-end fashion labels like Valentino.

Living in Brussels has given me the opportunity to study make-up art under the best make-up artist and tutor in Belgium, and has allowed me to work in the cosmetic industry, which includes high-end perfume. My work has allowed me to gain experience with companies such as Mac or Bobbi Brown. Meanwhile I have still been perusing my interests in photography, painting and music.

I have travelled to more than 22 countries in Europe, and have visited over 120 cities (repeatedly) – and this experience has meant I am now confident speaking in 8 languages. (NL, ES, CAT, PRT, ITL, FR, NORS, ENG)

I am full of energy and ambition, ready to follow my destiny.

Much love to you all, thank you for visiting my page.

Jon Le Blanch.

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